A Common but False Perspective According to a widely shared belief, Africans are disappearing at a fast pace, and soon, Africa may very well be completely depopulated. “In one hundred years,” a friend of mine proclaimed authoritatively not too long ago, “There will be nobody left in Africa.” That such a demoralizing narrative should have become widespread is not really surprising since it is continuously reinforced by Western media always eager to show images of troubled Africans dying and starving. AFRICA IS A LARGE, POPULOUS CONTINENT AND WE ARE BOMBARDED WITH THE ICONS OF DISASTER FROM CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC TO…
There are two current narratives playing out in the Sudan area of East Africa. One is the on-going struggle of the Arab influenced cultural war against Africans regardless of religion and region. The other is the internecine struggle for power between two prominent ethnic communities led by charismatic leaders who claim to be heir to the legitimate legacy of John Garang. Various people are pushing these two narratives as if these struggle narratives do not emerge from the same deep hole of cynicism and racism. In fact, it is our contention that you cannot separate the overall struggle of the…
(Reuters) - Ninety-year-old Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, (…) ascended to the rotating chairmanship of the African Union (AU) on Friday, casting a shadow over the continental body's relations with the West.
On Sunday, October 5, 2014, Former President for life, Jean-Claude Duvalier, also known as “Baby Doc,” died of an apparent heart attack. He was 63.
Saturday, 27 September 2014 00:00

Marina Silva does not represent our people

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Brazil is not close to performing the American feat of electing its first Black president. Not if it depends upon Black people. In 2010, when she ran for president for the first time, Marina Silva said she wanted to be "the first Black woman, of poor origin president of the Federative Republic of Brazil." However, it has become painfully clear that our hope for a serious leadership, committed to acting in the best interest of African people in Brazil will not be fulfilled with Marina Silva. Indeed, the poor Black woman who was born and grew up in the rubber…
Unbelievably Haiti’s most popular recent leader and the person most responsible for pushing Haiti’s Pan African and Afrocentric thrust as a nation is again under duress by the political elite.
AFROCENTRICITY INTERNATIONAL DECLARES THAT THE DAY OF LAURENT GBAGBO’S TRIAL IS A DAY OF INFAMY FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Afrocentricity International condemns the persecution of Laurent Gbagbo, 66, former president of Ivory Coast by the Western-controlled International Criminal Court at The Hague.
Afrocentricity International Charges the ICC with Injustice in its Trial of President Laurent Koudou Gbagbo Afrocentricity International condemns the International Criminal Court’s persecution of Laurent Gbagbo Koudou, the former President of Ivory Coast.
Monday, 16 June 2014 17:21

Statement Dominican Republic

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Afrocentricity International goes on record as rejecting the racist law in Dominican Republic that will strip all people of Haitian ancestry born in the country since l927 of their citizenship. This is an affront not just to Haitian people, but to all people who are proud of their African ancestry.


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